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Why do I get a fuel delivery in the summer months?

Why do you deliver oil when prices go up?

Why is oil heat better?

What happens if my tank starts to leak?

Why does my car run better on some gasoline than others?

What is the difference between "will call" and "automatic delivery" for oil?

What is a budget plan?

Why do I burn more oil some years than others?

How much taxes are on a gallon of gasoline?


If you have a question that isn't answered here please contact us.





Why do I get a fuel delivery in the summer months?
If you are an automatic delivery customer, we use a degree day system that tells us when a delivery of fuel is needed in your tank.  This is a computer-run system based on the number of heating days used.  If you are getting a delivery in the summer, you are probably using fuel to heat your hot water for showers, baths, or washing.

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Why do you deliver oil when prices go up?

We have no way of knowing when the prices increase on the markets.  It sometimes just seems to work that way, and other times the prices have dropped.

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Why is oil heat better?

Research shows that homeowners prefer the fuel they are familiar with, and many in Virginia already have a preference for oil heat.  A recent survey shows over 95% of oil heat consumers gave it the "thumbs up."  They prefer the personal service you get with a locally-owned company.  It is safe to store and an uninterrupted supply and offers you comfort and peace of mind.

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What happens if my tank starts to leak?

Virginia provides additional protection for homeowners and businesses in the rare case of a petroleum release from a tank.  It is called the Virginia Petroleum Storage Tank Fund, and from this you can be reimbursed if you should have a leak.  For more information on this visit  Contact us to request the guide to "Heating Oil Storage Tanks."


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Why does my car run better on some gasoline than others?

Gasoline is gasoline.  It is the additives that are blended into the gas when it is loaded at the terminals and ports that make some perform better than others.  Gas sold at branded locations has the proper additives to help your engine run cleaner and cooler to protect it.


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What is the difference between "will call" and "automatic delivery" for oil?

Will call customers are required to keep track of how much oil is in their tank and call us when they feel they need a delivery.  All of the responsibility to keep from running out of fuel is up to the homeowner.  Automatic delivery customers rely on us to track how much fuel they burn and when they need a delivery.  This is worry free to the homeowner because all of the responsibility falls on us.  We use what is called a degree day system that averages the high and low temperatures for each day to estimate how much fuel is used and when a delivery should be made.


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What is a budget plan? 

You can request a budget plan when you have been a customer for at least a year.  The credit application that must be approved is available for download from our website.  We multiply the number of gallons you used the previous year by the estimated cost of oil for the coming year and divide that into twelve monthly payments.  No finance charges will accrue, and you will receive a $0.05 discount on total gallons purchased with the last statement of the year.  Our budget season begins with the September payment.  Adjustments may be made around February or March.  Final payment is due by August 25th.


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Why do I burn more oil some years than others?

Your living conditions may have changed over the year.  Holiday guests or new family members may require more heat to stay comfortable and will use more hot water.  Your energy consumption will also increase if you travel less than usual, spending more time at home.  Let us know of any such changes so we can adjust the delivery schedule to your home. Sometimes, like your car, your heating system needs to be adjusted by performing routine maintenance on the unit.  Call us to schedule an appointment.


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How much taxes are on a gallon of gasoline?

In Virginia state taxes are .175 cents per gallon, and federal taxes are .184 cents per gallon.  That’s a total of .359 cents per gallon.  On diesel fuel for highway use, the state taxes are .175 cents per gallon, and the federal taxes are .244 cents per gallon, for a total of .419 cents per gallon.


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